WHR stands for Waste Heat Recovery in industry that generates energy by burning fossil fuels .
An global drive to increase the efficiency of energy utilisation in industrial processes is being driven by the trend toward rising costs of primary energy sources, such as fossil fuels, and the need to limit harmful emissions, particularly of carbon dioxide. According to estimates, waste heat accounts for around 66 percent of all energy intake, with a 40 percent loss in the cement industry specifically. The ability to produce electrical energy from waste heat will continue to be a preferred option given the trend toward ever stricter environmental regulations and the need for individual organisations to reduce their carbon footprint.
Cement manufacturing facilities that have waste heat recovery (WHR) power plants installed use the heat produced by rotary kiln preheater (PH) and AQC exhaust hot gases for power production. These heated gases are utilised to create steam in a steam generator (boiler), and then the steam turbo generator is used to create electricity (STG). This waste heat for power generating application may often meet 20 to 30 percent of the cement plant's energy needs, which represents a significant cost-savings improvement.